Train Sim World's ICE 3 was firstly introduced as a 406 with the Train Sim World 2's main german route, the highspeed line from Cologne to Aachen, then built into a 403 for Munich-Augsburg, improved and re-released with Kassel-Würzburg and finally, the Railbow ICE 3 Loco-Addon.
The sound of the ICE 3 has not been convincing for over 4 years now. Luckily, this soundmod changes that. Get a peek into the features with the video below:
(The preview is not entirely up to date; make sure to read the changelog. Video uses V2.1)
Feature Overview
Realistic traction motor sounds
This mod brings an entirely new set of traction motor sounds to the ICE 3 to make it sound as close to the real thing as I can possibly do.
This features the famous vibration-like sound right before departure, lots of inverter sounds for the frequency ramp between 7 and 12 km/h aswell as the popular frequency change at 60 km/h and more. Seperate gearbox sounds are also in use to enhance the auditory experience, especially during the speeds between 15 and 55 km/h where it is most noticable.
The interior also has its own seperate inverter soundset for a much better and more realistic feeling.
New things all around the bogies
A new set of rolling sounds has been implemented for both inside and outside, making the ICE 3 sound much more powerful when passing by at high speed. The exterior rolling sounds have been combined with a new Sound Cue to sound different when approaching, passing by and leaving the viewer. New flange sounds have been implemented aswell.
Lots of other changes
New HBU and ASR noises, new passenger door sounds, new wiper sounds, new Sifa pedal sounds, new... oooh jolly!
V2.2 - 28.12.2024 - Freq ramp improvements and... whatever
- improved the exterior frequency ramp (7-12 km/h) after months of fighting against it (it was so easy)
- attempted to further improve that damn interior freq change at 60 km/h
- cleaned up some internal mess of older unused assets, just to explain the minimal shrink of the file size
V2.1 - 24.11.2024 - More Improvements and More
- improved a few exterior and interior inverter sounds, again
- redone a gearbox sound (10-60 km/h)
- added interior flange sound
- changed how departure squeal works, added interior departure squeal
- more smaller things... I think? I forgor
- added ! to beginning of file name. make sure to delete any older mod version. this has been added to test/see if the exterior sounds are still audible in the interior for some people, which it shouldn't.
V2.0.2 - 21.10.2024 - Volume Fix
- fixed interior traction motor sounds suddenly being too quiet, no idea how that happened
V2.0.1 - 21.10.2024 - Volume Adjustments and Tiny Additions
- changed ETCS beeping on cab startup
- slight pitching change to interior inverter sounds around 60-95 km/h
- lowered volume of interior inverter sounds around 12-55 km/h
- made gearbox sound between 10 and 60 km/h sound less "rough"
- increased distance over which the main circuit breaker clunk is heard
- removed mod version number from file name to make file replacing easier for future updating
V2 - 18.10.2024 - Cue Remaster and Munichification
- made soundmod compatible with Munich-Augsburg's ICE 3 and Kassel-Würzburg's Railbow ICE 3 Loco-Addon
- renewed traction motor sound cue aswell as reworked inverter sounds, lots of adjustments
- new exterior ASR and HBU and interior HBU sounds
- added new distant sound for medium-speed exterior rolling sounds, so-called "rail singing"
- improved/extended crossfading of exterior rolling sounds
- new interior rolling sounds (passenger area)
- new Sifa pedal sounds
- new wiper sounds
- pitched the flange sound higher
- slightly adjusted passenger door sounds
- silenced "Notbremsung" when moving the brake handle to Schnellbremsung
V1.1.1 - 04.10.2024 - Mini-Patch Post-Release of V1.1
- adjusted audio assets for 12-55 km/h range
- reduced volume of audio assets for 55-70 km/h range
- added version number in file name to avoid confusion
V1.1 - 04.10.2024 - Additions and Enhancements
- made the soundmod compatible with Cologne-Aachen's ICE 3M
- new exterior rolling sound cue setup and sounds
- new LZB meep sound
- new flange sounds
- new cab HBU sound
- updated passenger door sounds
- improved traction motor and gearbox sounds (featuring new frequency changes at 70, 95, 100 and 120 km/h)
- redone the exterior frequency ramp (7 - 12 km/h)
- slightly increased the distance over which exterior TM are heard
- decreased the distance over which cab voice lines are heard so they aren't audible from the outside
- fixed "TM sounds don't play when applying power but still standing, only start playing when moving" issue as previously described in the "known issues / unlikely to be fixed" section
- fixed a terribly obvious looping volume shift in the highspeed rolling sound
- fixed a few loop clippings of a few audio assets
- brake screetching loop is much less obvious
- updated mod page descriptions (new preview video, adjusted audio sources and known issues sections, new copyright information section)
V1.0 - 26.09.2024 - Initial Release
- new traction motor sound cue setup and sounds, seperate exterior and interior sounds aswell as seperate gearbox sounds
- new passenger doors sound cue setup and sounds, seperate exterior and interior sounds
- new horn sound cue setup and sounds, seperate high and low horn audio
- new highspeed rolling sound
- new brake screetching + adjusted sound curves so screetching is audible from higher speeds
- new departure squeal
- new coupling sounds
- silenced door close beep sound in the cab
Thanks to Raphael for letting me use the Sound Cue for the traction motors which he once made for an ICE 3 Soundmod which he however never got to finish.
Exterior TM Sounds:
Interior TM Sounds:
Door Sounds:
Distant Door Closing Sound and Flange Sounds:
Rolling Sounds:
Horn Sounds:
Coupling Sounds:
Brake Screetching Sound:
LZB Meep, Cab HBU, Sifa Pedal, Wipers, Rolling Sounds, Flange Sounds and a small bit of TM Sounds:
Any missing sound sources are simply due to the reason I also used recordings of my own.
- When one ICE 3 applies power while you are in another ICE 3 close to it, you may still hear its interior TM sounds despite not being physically possible.
- The issue of having a small cut between the horn loop and horn end sounds for the exterior horn unfortunately persists with the modded cue.
- Sometimes the first or 2nd interior inverter sound at departure suddenly cuts off/pops in for whatever reason.
- It appears to be realistic that the inverters are always audible, even if the throttle is set to zero. Since the sound cue get's automatically muted when throttle/brake input is zero, this is currently not possible to be implemented.
- Certain people have reported that the sounds on the other ICE 3s do not work on their end. I do not know what the cause of the problem is, so I don't know how to fix it. Since the audio assets that I put into the KWG_DB_ICE3 plugin are being directly referenced from the other three sound cues, the Addon Manager should not block it, so that shouldn't be the problems' cause.
You can read the occasionally posted Work-in-Progress status updates on the english DTG Forums thread or the german forum thread.
Installation Instructions
Drop the .pak into your DLC folder, found under the following path:
...\steamapps\common\Train Sim World X\WindowsNoEditor\TS2Prototype\Content\DLC
Uninstallation Instructions
Either delete the .pak file from the DLC folder, or move it into any other location within your drive to remove its effect on the affected DLC.
Additional Comments
Please note that the soundmod has not been tested in Train Sim World 3, only in TSW4 and TSW5. If you encounter issues, please tell me!
Copyright Information
I can confirm that I have the permission to use all of the sounds available on YouTube which I linked in the audio sources section and are used within my soundmod. If in doubt, you may check the comment sections of those videos. On those I did not ask for usage permission, I asked the uploader elsewhere instead.
You may not reupload the soundmod neither on this website, nor anywhere else (eg.
You may not use any of the audio assets from this soundmod. This would not only be a problem with me, but also with the original owners of the used recordings.
Tags: br-403 br-406 ice-3 ice3 ice3m sound sound-mod soundmod
!DBclass403and406soundmod.pak 18 MB · Added 27 days ago · Downloaded 1,066×Version 2.2
Previously uploaded files have been downloaded 5,409 times before being withdrawn.
Good job !
What about DB Dosto Soundmod you've created for Train Sim World series??
Echt super Danke dir MFG :-)
Gerne doch!
Mega Klasse Sound, wird es auch einen für den ICE-T geben oder VT642?
Vorerst nicht, zumindest von meiner Seite aus.
How I get the DBRed BR403 like you in the video ?
That's Nagiphaaa's Beta ICE 3 Enhancement Pack:
Gefällt mir
schön zu hören!
Danke für den Soundmod. Die Geräusche von DTG Intercity Express 3 sind schrecklich und Sie haben es behoben. Großer Daumen hoch :D
Vielen Dank, das freut mich!
Great Work ! Sehr gut hab Spaß damit Danke
Thank you und danke!
Unfortunately, the mod causes the TSW to crash more often at the start. Sometimes the TSW loads normally, sometimes it still crashes. If I deactivate the mod, the TSW continuously loads without any hesitation.
Furthermore, no other mod is active.
So far I know only few other people had that issue, and I myself don't either... if no mod conflicts (as you said no other is installed), I don't know how to solve it, I'm afraid.
Supi Danke MFG Michael
Sollte danke schön Heißen :-)
Achso, gerne doch!
Keine Ahnung wieso, aber wenn ich den Pride ICE auswähle hat der den Soundmod irgendwie nicht drin.
Der Pride-ICE ist auch nochmal ein seperater ICE 3 für denen man die Soundmod seperat porten muss, was ich ungerne mache, vorallem weil das DLC einfach unnötig ist und auch unrealistisch (Redesign-Aussehen fehlt etc.) + den grünen ICE 1 gibt's auch in dessen Enhancement Pack
Ich bin dir unendlich dankbar, dass ich in den Genuss dieser göttlichen Soundmod gelangen darf. Hiermit spreche ich mein teifstes Lob aus, die Mod ist einfach der Hammer.
Vielen lieben Dank, das freut mich sehr!
when update?
later (not today doe, perhaps in the next few weeks)
It doesn't sound real...
I drive with the 403 or 406 every day to work.
If it makes you feel any better, I am currently reworking the traction motor cue aswell as a lot of inverter sounds to get it to be even more realistic, atleast as much as I can. I however cannot believe that it doesn't sound real at all. I am working with what I have access to, and everyone hears things differently anyway. I am glad I got to do this at all.
Myron, please soundmod DB BR 218 on Israel Railways' JT42BW locomotive sounds for Train Sim World 5!
Hello bro, on the koln-aachen route the sound of the BR 406 DB is bugged, it doesn't sound at all, I'm just letting you know so you can keep it in mind :)
Someone else also had that issue, and I currently have no clue on why that could happen, especially since it does work for a lot of other people. As I am working on an update, it could be fixed when it's done, but since I currently don't know the issue's source anyway I don't think I can directly fix it.
Just to try to find the problem's source: could you drive the 406 on its own, and if it still doesn't have any of the traction motor sounds, try to spawn KWGs 403 and then drive the 406? It could be that addon manager still restricts it somewhat, as I put the sound assets into the KWG 403's plugin.
Sorry, I saw the message now, I'll try it now and tell you.
I have a problem bro I don't have it KWG 403
Nono bro I got it yeah now it's working
Sounds work? Despite not having Kassel-Würzburg? Which is also what I tested, but you had the issue of them not working, sooo did you do something that could've fixed it or was it luck?
I did what you told me, that is, I went into free movement, spawned the BR and then the KWG and I went into the BR again and it worked for me.
Coole Arbeit! Wenn der Sound des Fahrmotors und der Türsound noch ein bisschen realistischer wären, PERFEKT! Ein bisschen mehr Bass beim Türschliessen (am Schluss) und der Fahrmotor aussen ist etwas zu hoch... Sonst sehr gut gemacht!!!!
Hoch wegen der Lautstärke?
Ich guck mir die beiden Sachen nochmal an für das Update.
Der Sound ist halt zu hoch und ein bisschen zu laut von aussen. Von innen klingt er sehr gut…
Halt von der Höhe zu hoch nicht von der Lautstärke
finde eigentlich dass die Tonhöhe so in Ordnung ist...
Mega Danke!
Immer gerne!
For the sake of improvement, let me be clear.
From the last version, it has gotten worse.
The motor sound after 50 km/h is not realistic at all.
I suggest you listen to and study the sound of the following video
Sorry if it's gotten worse. I have tried something to make it sound a bit more bassy like heard in some videos which I believe is good enough from what I've done, however I believe I get what you mean, one frrquency is a bit too high, right? I'll try my best to fix that later, thank you.
To be really honest, v.1.1.1 was better motor sound (it was closer to the sound in the link video).
I don't understand the technicalities of mod creation, so I can only give you my opinion.
extrem geile mod aber mal nh frage, und zwar wie erstellt man eigtl solche Mods ?
Sowas ist schon kompliziert. Da müsste man schon Grundkenntnisse von Unreal Engine haben (oder zumindest das allernötigste was Sound betrifft), die Originalsounds filtern... so einfach ist es leider nicht, zumindest für Anfänger.
Ach alles gut, wollte hauptsächlich wissen tatsächlich ob man dafür nh bestimmte software oder so braucht, respekt dafür das du so eine mod daraus zaubern kannst
Naja Audacity ist immer gut zu nutzen für sowas :P
Sehr gut! Danke!
Mann dieses Rauschen der Gleise wenn der Zug vorbei fährt. Super!
I've been waiting for this since the release of the ICE 3 in TSW. Thank you, great job!
You're much welcome!
yo myron, ich hätte mal nh frage und zwar du hast so eine gute ice 3 soundmod gemacht, is es theoretisch möglich mit unreal engine den sound vom velaro D auf den ice zu kriegen?
Lässt sich machen. Hatte ich auch vor, da es wahrscheinlich ist, dass dieser irgendwann zu TSW kommt. Momentan hat es aber keine hohe Priorität.
Das wäre echt geil wenn du das dann schaffen würdest
hello bro, when anorher update?
in the future.
Salut. Prima, immer besser.. Vielen Danke
Alway the Best.. Thank's a lot
Das ist wirklich so krass, ich küss dein Herz wir verdienen so etwas krasses nicht
Dürfte man diesen tollen ICE 3 Sound für den Simulator Zusi 3 benutzen? Weil da ist der Sound nicht sonderlich gut.. Wirklich der beste ICE 3 Sound
Leider nicht, da die genutzten Aufnahmen nicht alle meine sind.
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About this mod
- Created
- 26 Sept 2024
- Updated
- 27 days ago
- Game
- Train Sim World
- Type of content
- Sound
- Train Sim World compatibility
- Train Sim World 3, Train Sim World 4, Train Sim World 5
- Train Sim World Content
- DB BR 403 ICE 3 Railbow, Hauptstrecke München - Augsburg, Schnellfahrstrecke Kassel - Würzburg, Schnellfahrstrecke Köln-Aachen
The hero we need but dont deserve.
Thank you for making this Class more enjoyable to listen to!
you're much welcome!