Metro North M2/M4 "Reversed"

This is quite a simple thing, just reversing the liveries on the M2 and M4.
By default, the M2 will have the older style logo and stripe, and the M4 will have the newer. This little pack reverses the two, so the M2 will have the newer logo / stripe and vice versa.


Metro North M2/M4 by Reppo

Installation Instructions

  1. Copy the "Assets" folder into your Railworks directory.
  2. Open the .ap file located in Assets\Reppo\M2Pack01 with a capable program, such as 7-Zip or WinRAR. You may either extract the files from the .ap or do the following
    2a) Navagate to RailVehicles\Electric\MetroNorth\Default\Engine
    2b) Extract ALL GeoPcDx files (or copy all if you opted to extract all of the files)
  3. Paste all GeoPcDx files in RailVehicles\Electric\MetroNorth\MN_2\Engine
  4. Copy / Extract the M2_CAB.GeoPcDx from RailVehicles\MetroNorth\Default\CabView
  5. Paste into RailVehicles\MetroNorth\MN_2\CabView
  6. Delete the Blueprints.pak located back in Assets\Reppo\M2Pack01 (I treat this as optional but everyone says to do so anyway)
  7. Load up TS and enjoy!

Files 64 MB · Added 27 Nov 2020 · Downloaded 199×


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