Updated 12/21/23 to resolve sound and light issues with the ALP-46s.
Reskins of the six engines of NJ Transit's heritage fleet;
4101 (NJDOT) 4109 (CNJ), 4210 (Erie), 4519 (Erie Lackawanna), 4636 (PRR), 4640 (Disco Stripe)
Also included are
-Custom sounds for 4101 and 4109
-Light enhancement for all three GP40PH units
-Light and sound enhancement for 4636 and 4640 courtesy of CTSL Railfan (will be available for the default ALP-46 at a later date)
-Decals for 4636 and 4640 also courtesy of CTSL Railfan
Tags: alp45dp alp46a cnj discostripe erielackawanna gp40ph heritageunit njdot njtransit prr
NJT HUs.zip 124 MB · Added 22 Dec 2023 · Downloaded 408×Previously uploaded files have been downloaded 37 times before being withdrawn.
The pantograph is not fuctioning corectly
I can't seem to get 4640 to spawn in after following the readme. All other included locomotives work just fine.
Any suggestions on how to fix this?
I was so excited to see this mod!! the Disco Stripe is what i wanted most. And all the heritage units work fine except the Disco Stripe.... man is my luck any good. Anyway to fix this? I see others have the same issue.
For those having trouble with the disco I have a possible solution for you, after enabling the alp 46 in the scenario editor you additionally need to go under ctsl railfan and tick off NJTHeritageSchemes and NJTransitALP46Enhancement
Hope that helps
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About this mod
- Created
- 20 Dec 2023
- Updated
- 22 Dec 2023
- Game
- Train Simulator Classic
- Type of content
- Reskin
- NA Operator
- Other
The DS is not working. how do i fix it?