Geeps And The Turn To Hollister

From their introduction in the 50s to well into the 1990s, Southern Pacific's fleet of venerable GP9s were used across the system in
switching and local jobs. The local turn from the busy metropolis of San Jose, California to the relatively small town of Hollister was
was no exception. Follow your orders to make some complex moves switching the spurs on the Hollister Branch.



Peninsula Corridor: San Francisco To Gilroy Route (Steam Payware DLC)

Southern Pacific SD45T-2 Locomotive (Steam Payware DLC)

TruRail Simulations Southern Pacific GP9 (TRS Freeware)

JointedRail 60" ACF Boxcar (Searchlight Simulations Freeware)

JointedRail 23K Gallon Tanker (Searchlight Simulations Freeware)

Installation Instructions


  1. Extract the files to your desired location on your computer.

  2. Navigate to your railworks directory.

  3. Drop the 'Content' file into your Railworks folder

  4. Overwrite if prompted

  5. Enjoy!

Additional Comments

Thank you for downloading this scenario for DTG's Peninsula Corridor Route.

If you have any scenario suggestions for the future, please PM me on RWA at STBoyII or email me at [email protected] and let me know.

Copyright 2021 STGuyII. Scenario may not be reproduced in any way without written consent of creator (me).

Tags: peninsula-corridor scenario southern-pacific


Geeps And The Turn To 30 KB · Added 19 Aug 2021 · Downloaded 105×


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About this mod

19 Aug 2021
19 Aug 2021
Train Simulator Classic
Type of content
Geographical area
United States of America