Steam visits the wsr

A pack of two scenarios for the west sommerset railway

one for the Lner K1 and the other for the BMG Black 5


Bossman Games' LMS Stanier Class 5 'Black Five' Steam Loco Add-On
Class 57 Rail Tour Loco Add-On
West Somerset Railway Route Add-On
LNER Peppercorn Class K1 Loco Add-On*

  • only required for the K1 scenario

Installation Instructions

for the black5 scenario unpack the zip file steamvisitswsr and open folder B5 and follow
(1) Unzip the package
(2) Open your railworks folder (SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\RailWorks) and launch utilities.exe
(3) in utilities, click on the "package manager" tab & click the install button
(4) browse for the folder you just unpacked, select 45212visitsWSR.rwp & click OPEN.
(5) Once the green bar fills up, youre done, happy driving!

And for the K1 secanrio npack the zip file steamvisitswsr and follow

(1) Unzip the package
(2) Open your railworks folder (SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\RailWorks) and launch utilities.exe
(3) in utilities, click on the "package manager" tab & click the install button
(4) browse for the folder you just unpacked, select 62005visitsWSR.rwp & click OPEN.
(5) Once the green bar fills up, youre done, happy driving!

Tags: scenario-pack steam uk-rail

Files 553 KB · Added 8 Nov 2023 · Downloaded 46×


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