Exeter to Plymouth - Four Expresses in Devon

Exeter to Plymouth - Four Expresses in Devon

This is four scenarios on the Exeter Plymouth - Steam days Steam Workshop Route. i.d.-


Scenario 1. Penzance to Glasgow, running the Plymouth to Exeter section. Double Headed. 70 minutes
Scenario 2. Manchester to Plymouth - Heavy haul. Take over a 14 coach (465 Tons) at Exeter and drive to Plymouth. You will have a pilot locomotive assisting from Newton Abbot. 90 minutes.
Scenario 3. The Down Torbay Express - Exeter to Kingswear section. 70 minutes
Scenario 4. Paignton to York - drive the train as far as Exeter. 70 minutes.


ROUTE:- Full details on Workshop page.

Route requirements +
DTG Castle pack
Victory GWR County Class
Victory GWR Large Prairie Pack
Victory GWR Small Prairie Pack

SteamMarket Place : Coach Packs
TS Marketplace: BR Hawksworth Coach Pack 01
TS Marketplace: BR Hawksworth Coach Pack 02
TS Marketplace: LMS P3 Coaches Pack 01
TS Marketplace: LMS P3 Coaches Pack 02
TS Marketplace: Collet Coaches Pack 01
TS Marketplace: Collet Coaches Pack 02

Steam Market Place Wagon Packs
UK Van Wagon Pack

Armstrong Powerhouse
AP_Sky_and_Weather_Enhancement_Pack_2.0 (Not obligatory)
AP Clouds Enhancement (Not obligatory)

Unzip the file and copy the Contents Folder into your Train Simulator installation.

Installation Instructions

Unzip the file and copy the Contents Folder into your Train Simulator installation.

Tags: exeter plymouth steam


Exeter to Plymouth - 4 Expresses Scenarios.zip 3 MB · Added 27 Nov 2024 · Downloaded 35×


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