SS BNSF Narrow Font K5LLA 1 Piece 1L

Enjoy This Beautiful Narrow Font K5LLA 1 Piece 1L! you have extra sounds like K5LLA_6_AA and K5LLA_7_AA If you dont like the Loop of the K5LLA_6_A and K5LLA_7_A


you will need a mod from someone else to be able to put the Horn

Installation Instructions

in this mod you will not find a notepad but I will explain what you have to do if you have any sound from another person or have a folder of sounds created for another person the only thing you have to do is just copy my sounds and then paste them to the folder where that person has created an example Program Files (x86) \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ RailWorks \ Assets \ SearchlightSimulations \ NathanAirChimeK-series \ K5LLA_UP # 1988 \ you only go to the last folder that says and you only copy my sounds and paste them.


SS Narrow Font K5LLA 1 Piece 104 MB · Added 23 Jan 2022 · Downloaded 245×

Previously uploaded files have been downloaded 154 times before being withdrawn.


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