Niddertalbahn Modern Timetable
A modern day timetable for Niddertalbahn based on the 2023 timetable, utilising the 642 from Maintalbahn and the 218 on peak services. There are 537 services in the timetable of which 70 services are drivable.
Known Issues
- The linespeed on Niddertalbahn today is higher than that in TSW. It's likely you won't be able to keep to the timetable but overall it doesn't have a knock-on effect and time is usually recovered at passing points. It's unlikely you'll end up more than 2 minutes late at the end of the run. (Pretty good for DB!)
- A couple of stations have been extended in real life, therefore, some 3x648 formations will be longer than the platform.
- PIS on AI trains will either be blank or show "Nicht Einsteigen".
Any feedback on bugs/issues/suggestions are most welcome.
- Maintalbahn for the 642 services
- DB 218 & Hamburg - Lübeck for Dostos
- Hannah's 423 and 642 repaint packs
AI Requirements
- Köln - Aachen & New Journeys Pack for 423 and Talent 2.
- Kassel - Würzburg for ICE 1, 146+Dostos, 185+Freight, Talent 2.
- 101 for IC+Coaches.
- Vectron for freight.
- Salzburg - Rosenheim for 111+Dosto.
- Frankfurt-Fulda for 114, Dostos and ICE-T
- Flix Vectron
- IC2 Repaint and DRA -
The timetable will still work without the AI requirements, as layers have been set up. Some of the above DLC only provide a few AI services.
Latest update 30/9/24. Changelog in the zip file.
(smol) RMV Repaint pack
Reskin for Train Sim World · by Hannah Hermine · 26 Jan 2024Required for the 423 and 642 repaint.
han | BR424(S-Bahn Köln) & BR423 S-Bahn Köln update/EHP
Patch for Train Sim World · by Hannah Hermine · 1 Mar 2024Required for the 423 repaint to work.

Provides additional peak time services - timetable will still work without this DLC.

Required for the majority of player services on the route.
Tags: 204 218 628 642 niddertalbahn
Files 2 MB · Added 30 Sept 2024 · Downloaded 1,623×Previously uploaded files have been downloaded 3,085 times before being withdrawn.
Sound really promising. Thank you so much!!!
I would second the 628 substitution! Great work so far
Hey, PIS works great for me, looks like you found a fix! :)!
i really love it, thanks for the great work
Route RB 34 (15715) Srockhein to Frankfurt Hbf. When you reach the Heldenbergen-Windecken station, an endless red light is on. I waited for 10 minutes and still haven't been replaced.
I shall look into it, 15706 should pass you there
In the timetable simulation, it should depart on time. I'll have a play at some point to test in game.
I've given this run a go and was unable to fault it. Did you spawn in from the menu or on foot? I had about 4 minute wait at Nidderau which is booked but as soon as the other train arrived the signal cleared.
In Timetable RB34 (15728) I have to uncouple the 642 in the end. How does it work? Uncouple key isn't working... :-(
I have the same issue, I can't work out how to uncouple the 642. The workaround is to go into the menu and turn on coupling assist. You should then get a keyprompt to uncouple, in game.
Beim 624 muss man in die gekoppelten führerstände und den Schlüssel in beiden einmal auf entkoppeln lokal stellen
for some reasoe i cant access the 642
Just letting you know, having this timetable enabled disables the 628 from being used on the new Rosenheim route. No idea why.
I second this, the Modern Timetable on Niddertalbahn disables the 628 to be playable in Rosenheim-Salzburg
This will be fixed in the update, should hopefully be out soon.
Thanks for update! Might want to add the new route as a requirement though for those who don't have it.
For some reason when driving from Stockheim, the 642 keeps braking on it's own but going to Stockheim it drives fine with no issues.
Same problem
Does the same issue happen on Maintalbahn? I'll take a look when I get chance.
No, only with your timetable mod on niddertalbahn If you start in Stockenheim
The BR 642 quickly loses speed when idling (in one direction)
Try the niddertalbahn with the modern tt mod and stand in Stockenheim and drive off with the br 642
The issue with the losing speed is because the game spawns the same vehicle, in the formation, twice. I'm trying to fix it, but struggling. If you spawn on foot, the train will spawn correctly.
Welches Programm nutzt ihr dafür?
For me the br 642 works perfect from Stockheim. have you all checked if you released the Federspeicherbremse? For me it is active when starting the service so you have to release it.
Fixed the 642 issue in latest update
Another timetable to get stuck into, fantastic :D
Hi, thank you for this nice addon. I have a systematic UE crash after a resume with timetable scenario. I use scenario "RB 34 (15729) Stockeim to Frankfurt (Main) Hbf
LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 3194] Could not find SuperStruct RVM_CTP_DB_BR423_Cab_Base_C to create RVM_CTP_DB_BR423_Neu_C
Hello, is this an issue affecting you from a save resume or from starting a new service from the menu? Seems like the issue is related to the 423 & mod.
When I starting a new service, no problem , works fine
Hello same Problem by me, after a resume with timetable scenario with the 423
This sounds like it might be an issue with the save game function, so I wouldn't really know how to fix it. Sorry.
Ich habe das Problem dass mir die BR 642 im Fahrplan nicht angezeigt wird. Kennt jemand eine Lösung?
Have you got the 642 & 423 reskin paks installed?
Ups, habs tatsächlich noch nicht gehabt... Danke für den Tipp!
Hi, now that we have the wonderful BR218, would it be possible to incorporate it into the timetable? It has been used very often until quite recently with Dostos :-) Thank you in advance.
This is amazing, thank you!!!!!
Hi, the timetable is great! However, some services don't show up in the tsw menu. I installed all the repaints and dependencies required so I don't know why these services don't show up in the menu: Departing from Stockheim at 8:30, 12:00, 15:00 17:58, 19:58 and 21:00, and departing from Bad Vilbel: 10:01, 11:01, 13:01, 19:03, 19:29, 22:01, 00:01. Is there a fix for this? It would be very nice! Thank you in avance ;)
I've had quite a few issues getting all the services to show correctly, I'll take another look at these at some point.
This has been fixed in the latest update
This is absolutely amazing, driving times are very good. The differences in trains are great and the ai trains are perfect. It brings a whole new dynamic to this route making me drive it a lot. It is so much better then the original one. The DTG suspension update makes it even more fun with the 218 or the 642. Very good job by the mod creator. Next one Linke Rheinstrecke? ;-D
weedkiller services no longer seem to work on tsw5 :(
the weedkiller service worked on tsw4 but not tsw5
This is now fixed.
great! thx
This is the newer version of the repaints, you are still using the old version.
For me to use repaints, I need the original uncooked files. I'm yet to ask for these and just wanted to get the timetable update out.
So ein schöner Fahrplan, bin ihn gern und oft gefahren! Leider funktioniert die neue Version nicht mehr. Wird erst garnicht mehr im Fahrplan angezeigt! Die vorherige Version hat einwandfrei unter TSW5 funktioniert. Schade /: (Hab alle Deutschen DLC's und die erforderlichen Downloads)
I'll take a look into the issue later. Have you downloaded the required 423 & 642 mods?
Yes, I have installed the two mods. Also worked perfectly with the previous version! Only this version is not displayed in the timetable at all.
It's showing up for me in game and I even copied the .pak from the uploaded file to double check it was working. Have you made sure you only have the one copy installed?
Hi Perks390, I know you work on this mod and my request might be a bit off-topic, but is there any chance you could replace the 423 and 642 on the Frankfurt-Fulda route with the RMV vehicles from your map? I would really appreciate it.
Unfortuantly, I don't know how to create formation replacement mods. You could try asking on the discord.
On services 15730 & 15732 Frankfurt to Stockheim, the 218 is attached to the cabcar end & is leading. In TSW4 it's the dostos cabcar leading, it's like the consist got messed up.
This is the correct and prototypical formation for the afternoon services. If you spawn on foot before the services you'll see that the train splits at Bad Vilbel, therefore, the 218 has to lead.
Fair enough then.
It seems that the file is not supported under TSW5 (at least with the last update dating from October 15).
New schedules don't appear (and I have all the required addons).
Thanks :)
I'm not having any issues, could you try starting the default timetable and then quit back to the menu and see if it shows then?
really a very cool mod, but when I accelerate the engine is somehow swallowed so the train is somehow silent when accelerating, would be nice if you could fix that
i, forgot to download a mod, its workking now+
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About this mod
- Created
- 17 Jan 2024
- Updated
- 30 Sept 2024
- Game
- Train Sim World
- Type of content
- Timetable
- Train Sim World compatibility
- Train Sim World 5
- Train Sim World Content
- DB BR 204, Maintalbahn: Aschaffenburg - Miltenberg, Niddertalbahn
Is it possible to have a version but with the 628 instead of 642?
There are 628 services operating on the route (in place of 245s), plus a railtour service. I could see if I can allow them to substitute but only when selected in the menu.