37251 - Intercity Swallow

37251, in Intercity Swallow livery. '251 and '152 both received silver roofs during 1993 and '251 is depicted with this livery modification.

NOTE: I've tried to depict the livery, carried by 37251, as accurately as possible. But, the model is of the refurbished class 37/5 and some details are incorrect. I'll redo the reskin on the correct model, if one is ever released for TSW.

The RobWoods37n150.pak file will remove the numbers from the Rivet Sprinter & Class 37 models (plus data panels and OHLE warning flashes, in the case of the latter), so will be needed. However, you only need to download and put it to your DLC folder the once. Thanks must go to RobS for this mod.



GitHub - RagingLightning/TSW3-LM

TSW 3 Livery Manager (Also works with TSW 5)

Tags: class-37 diesel diesel-loco diesel-locomotive english-electric-type-3 highland-sleeper intercity intercity-sleeper inverness mainline sea-leopard-reskins sleeper tsw-5 tsw5


37251 - Intercity Swallow for RRVD_37-5.tsw3 2 MB · Added 7 days ago · Downloaded 15× RobWoods37n150.pak 164 KB · Added 7 days ago · Downloaded 9×


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7 days ago
7 days ago
Train Sim World
Type of content
Train Sim World compatibility
Train Sim World 5
Train Sim World Content
West Cornwall Local: Penzance - St Austell & St Ives
Avatar of Sea Leopard Reskins
Class 37 Reskins
by Sea Leopard Reskins