"Schnellfahrtstrecke Köln - Aachen" Scenery Update

  • by Folezz
  • Downloaded 1,729 times

[ENG] Today im crossing another one of my planned routes of the list, Köln - Aachen, Just like with the other routes this replaces almost all of the vegetation textures for the ones from Bremen - Oldenburg, just like splines and a few other things for you to find out :), The Ballast used here is the ballast from Bremen - Oldenburg, but as usual i will leave a pak without Ballast, Enjoy :))

[DEU] Heute kreuze ich eine weitere meiner geplanten Routen von der Liste, Köln - Aachen, Genau wie bei den anderen Routen ersetzt dies fast alle der Vegetation Texturen für die von Bremen - Oldenburg, ebenso wie Splines und ein paar andere Dinge für dich herauszufinden :), Der Ballast verwendet hier ist der von Bremen - Oldenburg, pak ohne Ballast findest du auch, Viel Spaß :)

Required Payware / Benötigte Payware:

Hauptsrecke München - Augsburg
Bahnstrecke Bremen - Oldenburg

if you notice any bugs please do let me know! / Wenn irgendwelche fehler bemerkt werden, gibt ruhig bescheid !

Installation Instructions

Drag the pak file into your DLC folder
Program Files 86x ---> Steam ---> steamapps ---> Common ---> Train Sim World 3 ---> WindowsNoEditor ---> TS2Prototype ---> Content ---> DLC

Additional Comments

After finding out people are experiencing crashes and problems with the Scenery Mods I have decided to update them all, and for Niddertalbahn Textures this time, for more information on the textures please check

Tags: kah update


!FLKAHSceneryUpgrade.pak 2 MB · Added 13 May 2023 · Downloaded 1,023×

Fixed :)

Previously uploaded files have been downloaded 706 times before being withdrawn.


Avatar of Xelion
Xelion 12 Feb 2023

Hi, i'm only getting the "Super Bahn" in Rail Journey mode. The "Highspeed Connection" is missing when this mod is installed.

Avatar of Solowing
Solowing 4 Jun 2023

Same problem . in jorney mod miss my rides. also on TGV map

Avatar of scip
scip 4 days ago

is it possible to update these scenerys to TSW 5 ?

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About this mod

26 Jan 2023
13 May 2023
Train Sim World
Type of content
Train Sim World compatibility
Train Sim World 3
Train Sim World Content
Schnellfahrstrecke Köln-Aachen
Avatar of Folezz
by Folezz