Virgin Trains ICE3M Pendolino

This is my Pendolino inspired Virgin Trains ICE 3M! Decided to go for the older Pendolino door design, as I thought it looked cooler. However, I can always do the newer grey one if people want it.


Installation Instructions

  1. Download the .tsw2liv file
  2. Put the file in your TSW2 Livery Manager Exports folder
  3. Open TSW2 Livery Manager, click on the livery in the list and press import
  4. Enjoy!

Additional Comments

Do not re-post my livery, or a modified version of my livery, anywhere else without my permission. If I have gotten anything wrong, either on the livery itself or in the this post, please let me know so I can correct it. The best way to see my future projects is via the discord server I am in (link below).

Tags: ice-3m


[ICE 3M] Virgin Inspired Livery v1.0.tsw2liv 105 KB · Added 31 Jan 2021 · Downloaded 510×


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About this mod

31 Jan 2021
31 Jan 2021
Train Sim World
Type of content
Train Sim World compatibility
Train Sim World 2 before Rush Hour update (UE4 4.23), Train Sim World 2: Steam version (UE4 4.26), Train Sim World 2: Epic Games Store version (UE4 4.26)