Right, hello there. First community post here and what a good one to start with, with the announcement of the second phase of The Sussex Lines. A route I have been building for the past 2 years come January 18th (why I know that exactly idk).
After 1 year and two days, at the time of writing this, I have finally given a release date of said phase to release being January 1st 2025!!!!
What comes with this new phase?
Alot of stuff really, so here is a shortened list:
- Extension of scenery from West Worthing to Littlehampton and Ford (as an added extra)
- Rework of certain patches of scenery on the original phase (Brighton to West Worthing)
- Swapping of AP trees to VP Trees V2 (as the AP trees were a bit heavy on FPS)
- Swapping of track from AP track to GU/JT Track
- Improvements to distant scenery
Thats mostly ya lot, but hopefully this will interest the few out there who care!!
Be on the look out for a few videos that will come out on the interwebs just before the main release of the new phase, as I will be giving some people (who might be well known within the community) the route early to record some videos.
I hope you enjoy the route on release as I have put in as much effort as one person can (though I cant express how much a few people have helped with things, these people will be mentioned in the manual apon release!)
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