Arc & Yeoman PGA Liveries

Arc & Yeoman PGA Liveries V.1.0.

Hello hello creatures of TSC, Montes is back with yet another release, this time, more PGAs. I had been working on these for a while now, but due to a problem with my computer I was not able to release them. Do bare in mind, that whilst I tried what I could, like with all my stuff,,, this is by no means perfect! Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy these as much as I liked working on them! these gap fillers should help within the sim at least until someone makes new ones someday (hopefully). The pack prioritizes on older liveries (as per usual with my stuff) so don't expect anything modern really. Support for AP sounds will come later on as I'm currently busy with some other stuff and forgot to do that.

I would like to thank once again ChiefJack for allowing me to use his wonderful Tail Lamp script and for helping me set it up, if it wasn't for him, this pack would be so much more boring. I'd also like to thank GeorgeBeany and Shaft for the help provided regarding .bat files, finally can make those on my own! (hooray).

Bare in mind this pack is subject to change, as mentioned, whenever I'm able to I will be adding support for AP sounds. More liveries could also be made in the future, although, no guarantees!

The pack Features the following:

-10 New Liveries, with decent-ish textures.
-Automatic Tail Lamps (thanks to ChiefJack from OTS)
-Branded wagons
-1 variant per livery only, avoiding tail light specific variants like in the original.
-Working loads
-5 Arc liveries, 4 Yeoman, 1 PROCOR.
-New data panels, changing depending on the livery.
-Made from scratch logos, data panels, and main hopper textures. (not all of em though, but most)
-Tail Lamp Factor, to remove tail lamps, just put ;TL=0 on the wagon number.


Train Simulator: West Coast Main Line Over Shap Route Add-On +

Major Wales Design:
BR Locomotive Lamp Set +

(+) Required for the reskin to work.

Remember to make sure you have all the necessary things for this reskin to work!

Hope you enjoy ! :3


Save 50% on Train Simulator: West Coast Main Line Over Shap Route Add-On on Steam

One of the UK’s most important rail routes and also one of the busiest freight routes in Europe comes to life in the fantastic West Coast Main Line Over Shap route for Train Simulator, from Krossrails.The first section to open of what is now the West Coast Main Line was in 1837, connecting Liverpool and Manchester to Birmingham, via...

Installation Instructions

Drag n drop the contents in your Railworks directory, then run the .bat file located in the assets folder!
(file should be named something along the lines of MPGAs.bat)

Tags: 3 arc arcamey branded caib iaminsane montes monteswashere pga procor quarry reskin tunstead yeoman


(M) 56 MB · Added 21 Dec 2024 · Downloaded 65×


Avatar of KCRCRailway
KCRCRailway 22 Dec 2024

Do I need to uninstall the previous PGA ARC livery to install this?

Avatar of Montes
Montes 22 Dec 2024

These are not TSRS's PGA's, they're the ones found on the WCMLoS route. So in short, no, you don't as every wagon in here is a ''standalone'' reskin and does not replace any textures.

Avatar of KCRCRailway
KCRCRailway 22 Dec 2024

I see, were these PGA a different type from TSRS's?

Avatar of Montes
Montes 22 Dec 2024

Yes, whilst these are not a specific diagram as per say, they are different from the ones TSRS made.

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About this mod

21 Dec 2024
21 Dec 2024
Train Simulator Classic
Type of content
Avatar of Montes
Wagon Reskins
by Montes