I started to build this route because Northbrook is my favorite place to watch trains but ended up expanding the route. This version V2.92 Is about 25 miles of Metra Mainline track and an extra 5 miles or so for freight/amtrak lines. This route temporarily goes from Libertyville to Prarie Crossing. Im always working on extending and any help would be greatly appreciated. THIS IS IN A BETA VERSION SO IT IS NOWHERE NEAR COMPLETION.
An outbound runthrough of the route can be found here: https://youtu.be/GmXdjWzKPhw?si=h8eLRR9BnLA_WGFc
UPDATE V2.92: After all my tracks only being deleted once, Prarie Crossing is here. Also some updates to Morton Grove to make it more full.
BNSF Chicago - steam app/website
MontanaHiLine - steam app/website
Northjersycoast - steam app/website
Marias pass - steam app/website
RCAP - Railworks website
Miami - West Palm Beach - steam app/website
Installation Instructions
Make sure you have all the required DLC and drag into your Directory folder. For most people: (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks)
The route can be found in the build tile and its named: MDNL V2
For track replacements follow the names of the folders. DO NOT PASTE INTO RAILWORKS DIRECTORY. Must have Hi-line tracks for this to work. I reccomend backing up your files. This replaces the original racetrack tracks with the better Hi-line tracks.
Additional Comments
Any help/suggestions is always appreciated. This is a huge project so leave a comment if willing to help.
MDNL V2.92.rar 4 MB · Added 23 Apr 2024 · Downloaded 240× track replacements.rar 4 KB · Added 22 Jan 2023 · Downloaded 493×Previously uploaded files have been downloaded 1,228 times before being withdrawn.
It doesn't load into the game and it shows that google chrome blocked the download
what do you mean it doesnt load into the game?
I put the file into the correct folder and doesn't show up in the game
are you sure you have all the dlc installed?
I see the problem with google and I think I know why it wont show up for you. Im making a new file and should be up later. Are you dragging the file named "MDNL (BETA)" (Not the .rar file) or the "content" file, both inside the .rar file.
the MDNL Beta
You need to drag the “content” file into the directory not MDNL Beta. That should work for you. Should be the first file inside the download now.
I did that and doesn't load into the game
That’s definitely very weird, all you should have to do is drag it in. Do you have all the DLC?
Yes I do I installed the SMM and still doesn't show up in the game
And i found it as it is under Northbrook but when i try to load it in it keeps crashing and saying error can't find shade
Lower your settings all the way down for the first time see if that works.
I tried to lower the settings and it still crashes. Error says cannot find shader
hm I have no idea. maybe reset your game cache or validate your files. but be careful as validating will almost reset all mods you installed.
"cannot find shader" sounds like a corrupt installation, might even be a DirectX error.
There was someone on this forum posting this regularly to no avail. The "missing" shader file was there but the error still showed. Uninstall TS completely, make sure to delete the "RailWorks" folder so nothing is left. Then reinstall and post if that made a change.
If that doesn't work, it might be your hardware.
ok thank you
SMM stuff can be found here! https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/digirails_forums/smm-signals-crossing-gates-t529.html
Thank you
I opened it and said i dont have access to
Are you planning to build the route all the way to Milwaukee?
No, Im planning to build the whole Metra line, Chicago - Fox Lake
Still good work so far!
Thank you! And quick question, is the route laggy or slow to you at all?
So for some reason it always freezes on the loading screen and then crashes the game. I have everything installed, any ideas?
According to the creator he is unsure of all the needed assets. Go through those that are listed and make sure that you have all that are required. Other that that contact the creator for assistance.
This is what i was worried about. Try removing all graphics enhancers and lowering your graphics settings all the way down just for the first time. could be an issue with something loading in incorrectly.
Just tried that still nothing. I'm going to delete everything from my game and reinstall it. Adding the required stuff in first and see if that works. This route hits close to home for me so my game being stupid with it irritates me lol.
Try the new version I released. it seems less buggy.
It works, thank you!
Great to see it finally work! Hope you like it!
he has something in the route that's probably crashing the game bad asset probably. go into your kuju folder and delete all the PON track stuff and then try that usually the issue with that
Can you make an Metra North Central Service Chicago To Antioch?
Sorry for not seeing this earlier. I don't think I will for two reasons. Since I took 2 years to respond to your comment I've seen you've already started. And I'm just not familiar with that line. the reason I'm building the MDNL is because I used to live less than a quarter of a mile from Northbrook Metra station and I still go and railfan there. Maybe once I'm done with this but who knows when that'll be. I can always help out too if your willing to build it.
i made the NCS Map
i got the MDNL Old But Mine Works Fine
The first version of this route? Like the 1.0?
Very cool concept. I live in Chicago and love anything Metra related. Currently adding Oglevie Transportation Center to my Goose Island Route.
One thing I am curious about is why you decided to build the route 'upside down.' Meaning, Lake Forest is at the southern end and Glenview is on the northern when it should be the opposite. I also noticed that the tracks don't line up with the Google Earth overlay. Am I missing something or doing something wrong? Still, great route!
Nope you did nothing wrong. The problem is when I started to build this route I didn’t use a google overlay until I was in the middle of building it. There’s problems with this route like parts being way longer than needed and no way of fixing it. I might start over with the overlay to get a better and more realistic approach. If you read the description I can’t place down any tracks without the game crashing so I have to figure that out first. Thanks.
And I have a question for you. How did you get the google earth overlay and was it complicated? I fixed the track part but I can't get the google overlay to work and every time I try to load MDNL in the editor it crashes. If you know how to get the google API overlay to not show me blue spinning circles for ever that would be great
If you felt like maybe restarting the route with the proper overlay, I may be willing to help with some of the work with the scenery and whatnot (time permitting). I think we could really use another Metra route and would like to help make that happen.
As for the overlay problem, I kind of remember having a similar problem in the past. The spinning circles wouldn’t go away. I think it had to do with the API code changing for some reason. Try going into your Google dev account and see if there is a new code. Even if there isn’t a new one, try copying and pasting whatever code is listed there back into TS. It could be that your current code is off by one character or something like that. Hope that helps!
Edit: I think I remember that Google shut down my API code because I had gotten a new debit card at that time and they detected that the one they had on file was expired. I gave them the new card number and they generated a new code. Worked fine after that.
So I tried all of those methods and I still get the blue spinning circles. I remember someone saying that Google was shutting down something with TS and API's so that's probably it. But I already have restarted as seen in the update but I'm basically doing the same thing as an overlay. Im using google earth pro to get direct measurements and fixed Glenview being on the northen end and it's a way better start than my previous try. It would be great if you can help even if its small, I don't have much time or dedication to build the whole line by myself and If I did it would take years.
Do you know where you got that 90278 NPCU? It's nice!
Seems like the creator took it down. It was on this website so I would keep an eye out as he might reupload it soon.
Darn, if it does go back up, please tell me!
Will do
I have it get it here! https://atsfguy636.wixsite.com/tpsctrainsimulator/content
Thinking of making an South Chicago map, I'm thinking about extending chicago?
Just south Chicago in general? or a specific area.
Union Station To Kankakee, if you want I'll help you make it
so that line is used for Amtrak service all the way to New Orleans?
maybe when im done with this project. becuase this already takes up so much time to get right. and another one to build would be to much.
was V1 required? i installed this and it worked but deerfield is the only place on the whole map. or NCS?
No this is a completely separate version. that is weird that Deerfield is the only place... Try the new version that's coming out.
Im sorry if im super late but it works now and actually runs pretty good! i just need to install all my mods back for Metra Equipment
Hi! Is there a way to use this route without the DLCs? It looks awesome but I don't really want to spend $100+ on DLCs. Thanks!
technically yes you can. but the bare minimum would be the BNSF Chicago route as that is the route I placed the track from. and RCAP is free on railworks america. If you dont mind it looking bland and I mean very bland with only those two then yes you can.
Ok great, thanks. And if I wanted to buy one or two DLC's which would you recommend to make the biggest difference?
I'm also having this issue when trying to use the route:
press F2 And See If This Works
Yeah that worked, thanks.
If I were you I would Buy Montana Hi-line because I use those signals and the Miami route. I get most of my scenery from those three. Including the Base route.
your welcome!
Great thanks guys
I'd Suggest u use the hi line tracks.
I already did that in the next upcoming update (rondout update, coming proabaly next week). I switched to those. if there is a way to replace all track with the Hi line ones i would but I dont think there is.
Is this route Quick Drive compatable, and if it is not then couldd you make it that?
No it isnt for now. I can make it compatible in the next update.
can i just make my own route amtrak hiawatha?
You can make whatever you want.
do any quick drive works?
If you read the update description it tells you that you have 4 quick drive scenarios
are you sure you planning the chicago union station to fox lake?
That’s what I’m trying to build in this route.
u ever going to make an Libertyville?
Next Update (V2.7) will be Golf IL then Update (V2.8) will be libertyville. so yes it will come sooner or later. dont have a date right now.
will be there an V3.0?
Probably not. Because the only reason there was a v2.0 is because the first time I made this route I messed the directions and dimensions all wrong. If I need to fix anything it’ll stay as V2.0
you should to make Grayslake
Grayslake is pretty close to Fox Lake so probably not anytime soon, but it will be once Libertyville and Prairie Crossing are done. I'm making every station on the Milwaukee district North line so no need to ask if I'm making a specific station.
You should to make Morton Grove-Grayslake Station
Morton Grove is the next update
Does this include CP's yard in Bensenville, IL ?
No, Bensenville yard is on the Milwaukee district west line, this is the Milwaukee district north line. Can be pretty confusing because the names are very similar. However that CP line does connect to the MDNL and its in this route but I haven't done much decor to it yet.
Ah ok, thanks for the answer. I will have to get this route once I install Train Simulator on my new laptop this week. I'm also assuming the Empire Builder runs on this route?
Yes, it does, and also the Hiawatha service.
just a heads up you're missing the crossover by the tower at rondout on the south side of the diamond
could you give me a picture of what you're talking about? I took a look at google earth and cant seem to find anything.
ah ok, ill fix it. thanks for the heads up.
Pretty good route! my game lags in certain areas of the route but overall its a pretty nice route!
Thank you!
how did you get the ss flares on the cab car
A lot of messing around with the .bin file honestly have no idea how i did it. I think you had to change one of the .bin files for the f40ph lights.
this is amazing!
in most of the route its bland and it's not like the pictures where i can see all the assets, i own everything, got any ideas?
I have one that i think is your problem, go into your graphic settings, click advanced at the bottom right and make sure scenery density is all the way to the right. Tell me if that works out
Man i'm loving this route Keep up the good work.
thank you
i have all the requirements and it still doesn't show up Not sure what to do
does the route not show up in the list with all the other ones?
No, when I go to routes to select to play, it doesn’t show up
Are you installing the file named "MDNL V2" into the railworks folder or the "content" folder
so i got it to install but the tracks aren't showing up i have the Hi line already
Here is the problem im having
Do you know how to fix it? and I have all the DLCs and mods you want in
is it missing in segments?
Yes like river forest, motive grove, and Libertyville is missing do you know how to fix it?
its definitely corrupt files, ive had this problem myself. you can either replace the track yourself, reinstall the route, or validate files. if that doesn't work ill update the version.
I been doing this for weeks and still hasn't worked, it would be a great idea is you can please update the version please
Hello does this route come with some scenarios.
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About this mod
- Created
- 5 Apr 2022
- Updated
- 23 Apr 2024
- Game
- Train Simulator Classic
- Type of content
- Route
thank you!