Granger Heartland Union Pacific SD70ACe Searchlight Simulations 16N-710G3C-II EP Patch

This mod applies the Searchlight Simulations 16N-710G3C-II Enhancement Pack to the Union Pacific SD70ACe included with the DTG Granger Heartland: Kansas City - Topeka route and eliminates those obnoxious ditch light flares. V1.1 adds a "no crew" variant for use as a trailing unit behind the leader.


Save 70% on Train Simulator: Granger Heartland: Kansas City – Topeka Route Add-On on Steam

Anchored on the great railroad town of Kansas City, Union Pacific’s Heartland Service Unit is perfectly named, stretching through America’s vibrant and busy granger heartland. And now, extraordinary Union Pacific granger-country main line railroading comes to Train Simulator with the Kansas City – Topeka route!

Installation Instructions

CJR UP Granger Heartland SD70ACe Searchlight Simulations Patch V1.1 (6/11/24)

This mod applies the Searchlight Simulations EMD 16N-710G3C-II Enhancement Pack to the Union Pacific SD70ACe included with the DTG Granger Heartland route, and eliminates those ugly ass fucking flares that make you go blind lol replacing those with the standard Searchlight flares.

Version 1.1 adds a "No Crew" variant for use as a trailing unit behind the leader.


DTG Granger Heartland: Kansas City – Topeka (
SS EMD 16-710G3C-II Enhancement Pack (

Installation instructions:

  1. Drag folders "Audio" and "RailVehicles" to installation directory (Usually "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Assets\DTG\KansasCityTopeka")

  2. Copy the "SD70 EngineScript.out" and "SD70 EngineScript_DP.out" from:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\SD70Pack01\RailVehicles\Diesel\SD70ACE\Default\Engine"

...and paste them into the following directory, respectively:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Assets\DTG\KansasCityTopeka\RailVehicles\Diesel\SD70ACe\Default\Engine"

  1. Repeat the same process with "SD70 Engine Simulation.lua" from:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Assets\RSC\SD70Pack01\RailVehicles\Diesel\SD70ACE\Default\Simulation"

...and paste that into here:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks\Assets\DTG\KansasCityTopeka\RailVehicles\Diesel\SD70ACe\Default\Simulation"

  1. Load the Granger Heartland route in Scenario Editor, and enable the MLWAudio 16N-710G3C-II pack.

  2. Enjoy!

-2024 CJR Media


UP Granger Heartland SD70ACe SS Patch.7z 6 MB · Added 12 Jun 2024 · Downloaded 147×

Previously uploaded files have been downloaded 20 times before being withdrawn.


Avatar of PhUnKi_Ro0sTa
PhUnKi_Ro0sTa 11 Jun 2024

Wonderful - been waiting for this for ages!

Now all we need is for the GP40s to be enhanced with the SS 16-645E3

Avatar of CentralJerseyRailfan

That would be tougher to implement all the new scripts to. Audio swap is definitely doable

Avatar of PhUnKi_Ro0sTa
PhUnKi_Ro0sTa 12 Jun 2024

Interesting. I thought of giving it a go but not sure if it's as easy as it seems.

Definitely an audio swap and possibly lighting.

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