V1.7a features the following change (7/5/24)
-Incorrect/missing audio on the VNHRR Springfield Line GP9s fixed
-New Hancock 4700 Whistle
- 3DTrains Warbonnet F7
- DTG Clinchfield F7 & GP7
- DTG California Zephyr FP7 & F9
- DTG Soldier Summit GP9
- HIS ATSF Classic Pack F3, F7, & GP7
- HIS B&O Retro Pack GP7, GP9 & F7
- HIS Chessie Retro Pack GP9
- HIS Feather River Enhanced F7 & GP9
- HIS PC Pack GP9, GP9B, & FL9
- HIS Southern Railway Retro Pack F7 & GP18
- HIS Western Maryland Retro Pack F7 & GP9
- HIS Mountain Subdivision GP9
- HIS Hanover GP9
- MPS Wasatch Grade F7
- Kuju F7
- DTG Donner Pass F7 & GP9
- DTG Bloody Nose F7
- DTG Empire Builder F7
- DTG Feather River Canyon F7
- DTG Big Sky Blue F7
- DTG GP9 Standalone
- DTG Horseshoe Curve F7 & GP7
- DTG Kingwood Branch GP9
- DTM Western Maryland BL2
- MPS Mt Shasta SD9E
- Reppo New Haven E33 AI GP9
- VNH Springfield Line GP9
- GreatNortherner GP5, GP7 & GP9 (Freeware)
- GreatNortherner SD7 and SD9 (Freeware)
- Heavyeagle DSB MY (Freeware)
Installation Instructions
Drag the included folders to your Railworks installation, which can be found on C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\RailWorks\Assets for example.
Overwrite if prompted to do so. Back up original files as you see fit in case you butcher up your installation.
EMD 16cyl 567 Engine Sound Enhancement Pack.7z 121 MB · Added 6 Jul 2024 · Downloaded 653×Previously uploaded files have been downloaded 5,862 times before being withdrawn.
This brings so much life to an incredibly dated sound set. This is a must for all GP7/9 drivers in sim! I'd love to see this converted to be used on the E and F units in a future mod!
They will not be supported because they use a different prime mover type. 12-567 dual is what the E8 has
I suggest using the sounds from the TruRail Simulations CNW E8. As far as I know, those are the only dual-567 sounds out there for TS.
they dont work for me,i have the same kuju f7 sounds
it requires user modification to do so
More precize:
The audioblueprints there load the Geo from Donnerpass. If Donnerpass is not present, then the body model of the F7 is not loaded. Taken out it's ok .
I have the Clinchfield addon. The sounds seem to work on my F7, but the B units are not showing up for some reason. TS2021
I need to apply the sounds to the CRR GP7, just need to get a hold of the audio directories for it
Can you help me with this I'm horrible I followed the directions and the sounds work but no the locos don't show up in a scenario.
Follow the readme instructions
dosent work for me with the NH gp9s if i use them with this mod they turn invisible .
This is a common error if you do not have the correct "SoundEmitter" file. You will want to make a set of folders called Audio, then Markers. In the Markers folder, drag and drop a SoundEmitter.geopcdx and its associated Textures file from some asset you already have. Then change the line of code in your EngineSound.bin, and you should be good. For whatever reason, the pack references a file from Donner Pass, and the game engine can't find it because you probably don't have Donner Pass.
Could this be why my loco's don't work? I'm going to try it and see what happens.
No I haven't figured it out it would be a major help to know how to fix it.
I also have this issue, but it is only the Springfield GP9's, and I do have Donner Pass. Is there something else that I can try?
@Kommandant thank you for bringing that up, i shall resolve that in a future update
Thats not possible i have donner pass i have it since ts 2014 steam edition.
Edit: Nvm i downloaded the updated version and recently tested and saw it works no more invisible gp9.
does it work for clenchfield railroad?
I am using the HSC Addon for this sound mod and now the loco wont show in game its invisible but with floating coupalers. This is also true for my other F7's. Does anyone else know how to fix this because the sounds are nice but it would also be nice to have a visibale locomotive. Also the cab shows but not the exterior body.
Was wondering, could it be possible to have on the earlier F7s/G7s (Horseshoe Curve/Clinchfield) a Leslie A200 or equivalent horn?
They will receive the correct horns in a future update.
How do you activate the quill of the M5?
Not quillable atm, would be too much work to do so. I may consider adding the quill to only railroad specific units that actually had M5s like maybe Western Maryland, Western Pacific, Baltimore & Ohio, and Chesapeake & Ohio
What files would you have to replace if I want to mod an engine with the sounds before the next update comes out for the B&O pack?
Is this gonna get updated for the b&o retro pack?
Hello, I downloaded this pack and followed the directions(twice)but whenever I load the FL9 on the NEC, it says "Scenario unable to load".
I followed instructions multiple times as well but I'm getting invisible locos.
I forgot to mention, Im getting invisible locos on the VNHRR GP9.
I was having the invisible locos too, it was something related to Donner Pass route and the FL9. If you don't have both of them locos invisible.
Hello, thanks for your work on this pack. I have run into one issue with the B&O Mountain Sub stock and I thionk it's releated to the braking scripts those locomotives use (the brakes done by Mike Rennie). My issue is that when releasing the brakes or putting it into lap there is a sound effect that playes repeatedly very quick. As far as I can figure out this is because the way the braking system works you can see the brake status moving rapidly back and forth between Apply and Hold Lapped, or Release and Applt depending on what you're trying to do. This seems to be triggering the "AIR_TrainBrakeRelease.wav" and "AIR_TrainBrakeApply.wav" repeatedly at a very higher frequency of repetition creating a loud sound pretty hard on the ears.
I tried copying over the sound effects mod to the B&O Retro Pack F7s and had the same issue...I think it just comes down to tweaking how the train brake sounds are triggered for these specific locomotives but now I'm getting beyond my knowledge level.
Thanks again for this great sounds pack, hopefully this is something that can be worked out.
I have that issue too, it's super annoying.
This issue has since then been fixed with the latest version
Excellent, thanks!
@CentralJerseyRailfan the issue has not been fixed, myself and @regis902 are still experiencing it. Also, using the sander crashes the game (see my comment). Other than that I'm loving your pack, just wanted to let you know of the issues we are still experiencing.
Very nice sound mods. However, FL9 (NH) shows and drives, but no loco sounds at all, and I have to use F2 key to overcome "tracks.bin" file missing at the start of existing scenarios.
I am not yet very "file editing savvy", but if someone were kind enough to share how-to-fix instructions I can do it. I use TS tools regularly, Notepad++ whenever necessary to see what's inside, and I've been know to occasionally use the "serz" file.
Thanks in advance to any kind souls out there.
It works for me, try verify integrity of game files.
Indeed there seems to be little typo in the EngineSound.bin for the FL9. The file references to "CentralJerseyRailfan\16-645BC_SP\Audio\RailVehicles" folder, but the proxyfile actually is located in "CentralJerseyRailfan\16-567_SP\Audio\RailVehicles* folder.
After adjusting this, the sound works for me. Only one problem I do not understand - once the Roots Blower sound starts playing, it does not stop playing in external view. In Cabview, the sound is fine.
We need on the HSC/Clinchfield/FRC F7s, WM BL2, and B&O retro pack a Leslie A200/Wabco E2 horns.
I will be putting that in the next update that should be coming out shortly. Thanks for the notice!
When i had the beta version it was working great but now when i put the new and complete one installed it crashes my game when i try too build a quick drive. i put the old beta back on and now runs fine any idea as of why it would be doing this?
im guessing this will be updated to allow these sounds on the new DTM F3 thats due to be released soon?
Yes, the DTM F3 will be updated accordingly when that comes out.
Wow thanks a lot for the update new horns good and new 645 on YR GP9 and Fl9, cant wait for F3 compatibility.
By any chance, do you know the name of the vaporwave file is? After I installed it, my consist editor stopped working, so i wanna find it and delete it.
I removed this pack...not compatible with the built-in Consist editor...(it crashes the game) ...when that is fixed I will try it.
Fwiw it's not going to be fixed (at least not intentionally).
I just tried it with the new DTM's F3. Great job. However I get some strange sound effects when releasing the brakes. Tbh I only tried one of the included Wasatch scenarios, with the UP F3, haven't tried any of the others yet.
At any rate, thank you for sharing this with us.
it broke my consist editor
They are not compatible with each other
When I try to run the DTM Western Maryland BL2 the game just chrash every time when loading...
Deliting your files, the BL2 load and everything works perfect again!?!?
i'll put out a quick fix for this
Thanks for your and your henchmen's efforts on making the sim better. Please enjoy this video I created to show everyone interested, in using the sound mods on the locomotives, how great they are. Also to show you your work is appreciated. Engine reskins available on RWA. Route is my own creation.
Awesome sound set, like night and day! I'm having one small issue, which is that on units equipped with them, the dynamic brakes seem to be completely silent. Does anyone else have that problem? Is that by design?
Competely aware of this issue. Dynamic brake fan audio will be implemented in the future.
After I installed the file, my game crashes in the consist editor. Is there a vaporware file or something?
Absolutely awesome sound sets. It helps bring out the playability of some models that sound simply terrible. like the old F7s.
Would you mind if I use this enhanment pack to submit a mod for two locomotives? They require the sounds as well as horns.
If you're gonna be using my pack as a dependency, go for it!
If you don't mind me asking, when will you be reuploading your other enhancement packs? I know you said you took them down to see how they behave with TS Classic but I personally feel like at this point you would probably know what the differences are, if any, and there dosen't seem to be much with the game anyways. So when will you be putting your other enhancement packs back online? I really miss them.
I usually don't take my content down unless it's super buggy or what not
Think he was referring to my stuff
They're all on Chris and jerre's paint shed now
no matter how many times i try and use this, it doesnt work. i delete make back up saves and use them if it doesnt work. i try again and it still doesnt work. does anyone have a fix for this?
Please be more specific
nevermind i figured it out
Any chance that the next release will include the newest HIS pack, the PC Pack01? I have your v1.4a on the B&O Mountain Sub and love those sounds!! Many thanks.
Jersey Central forever! Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Your Welcome.
I think this soundpack is causing a problem with the brakes on the F3 in the Santa Fe pack, they scripting for the brakes works at first but after the first set and release the scripting just cuts out and the brakes will neither apply nor release
If you have the UP F3, just take the script file from that one and put it in the ATSF one, and replace it.
which file would that be? And where would I paste it in the Santa Fe F3 file structure
which file would that be? And where would I paste it in the Santa Fe F3 file structure
I'm also having a problem where the soundpack will work with the F-units in the ATSF pack but it will not copy over to the GP7's. Any way to remedy this?
Anyone else having problems with BL2? Everytime i tried installing the enhancements in it. It crashes my game.
There's a typo in the DTM BL2 bogie proxy file name
Once I changed it to say "Bogie" instead of "Boguie" it doesn't crash when loading a scenario with it.
I ran into this with the BL2 and the F3. Both have the above-mentioned spelled file.
This is a wonderful pack and you did a great job on it. I never had a reason to drive the SD7 and SD9s befour and this pack makes it worthwile. I just have one problem, the horns are a little to quite for my liking and I would love to hear those great sound file abit louder. Do you have any advice on how I could turn up the volumes.
Hello, I need help. I've installed the mod pack and downloaded it into the Donner Pass and Kuju files. the trains are present but the sounds are aren't, they're silent. can you help?
How did you go about creating that sound pack, since I'm trying to create one for dickyjim's sw1500 and mp15dc using WAV format audio files?
I downloaded the latest version of this mod a couple of weeks ago, and overall it's great! But I'm in the B&O F7 Blue Grey and its horn is not very loud in external view. I'm not even sure if this mod applies to that F7, but please consider making the horns BLARINGLY loud at 100 yards in external view. Too many DTG locomotives have terrible horn sounds in external view, in that you can hardly hear them at all when they should instead be extremely loud. Thanks!
I'm having a problem where I can load a scenario, but when I open the consist editor the game crashes. I have done a clean install of TS and this was the first "mod" I applied, and even on a fresh install this pack crashes the game when entering the editor
Want to add my name to the list of folks that have installed this mod, only to have it crash the consist editor. Thanks -- but not a fan of having to completely re-install my game.
I too have been having this issue. Really is a shame since this is one of the few mods where I dont even get the common "tracks.bin" error file that most of fan railer's mods give me and gives a new lease of life to all the locomotives with the 567
Would support also be added for the Aerotrain since it also used the 567 engine?
This is a 16 cylinder 567, the aerotrain uses the 12 cylinder 567 - different prime mover.
this mod stops the consist editor from loading
For whatever reason touching the sander on any locomotive crashes my game, any help on that?
Something must have gone wrong during the last upload: v1.5 is still online (1/9/2024)
Thanks a lot for your work
I didn't upload the Southern Retro Pack fix. Probably still awaiting approval
I hope we don't get in each other's way. I have something in the works for the SD40-2 in SOUretropack01 and Saluda (incl. horns + bell for GP18 + GP35).
you are welcome to do your own horns and bells for the gp18!
I recently downloaded this pack and consist editor is crashing at 5% ran logmate get this error message, Assets\Assets\DTG\SoldierSummit\Audio\RailVehicles\Diesel\GP9\Exterior\GP9HornWindowSound.bin appears to contain invalid data ,Im not sure what it means or how to fix it, but I did delete soldier summit and now consist editor crashes at 33% ran logmate still shows same error message even after deleted and ran verify file integrity twice still,anyhelp would be appreciated!!!
dont use the builtin consist editor. its garbage
The CDot FL9 audio wont work im not sure why, I installed everything correctly and it works on other assets
Am I the only one that's getting a crash when I try to use the sander? And I also have the same problem as regis902 in that 'when releasing the brakes or putting it into lap there is a sound effect that playes repeatedly very quick'. I've ran into this with the MtnSub locos and Saluda locos enhanced by this pack. However,
CentralJerseyRailfan has confirmed that this has been fixed? It still isn't fixed for me. Other than these issues the pack is great, and I'd like to see if I'm the only one having these issues. Thanks!
I'm still having the issue with the brake release sound.
Does your game crash when you enable the sander (X)? I know it's no biggie I'm just curious if anyone else had ran into the same issue.
Thanks so much for these fantastic sounds!
Any chance that the sand crash can be fixed?
Thanks for great sound pack! Is it possible to add support for EMD E7? It is found for example in Maine Maritime route. It is almost the same engine 567A. Most likely they should sound nearly the same.
Those use dual 12-567BCs so it won't be supported
my consist editor doesnt work after installing. anyone got any fixes?
Don't use it
is there another one i can use?
manually edit the xml files with serz
what consist editor should i use if i cant use the built-in one?
Is anyone getting out of memory errors after installing 1.7? I'm getting the following: "Fatal error in mode DRIVE during update within SOUND_MANAGER" after installing both the new TS24 and 1.7. So far, this only happens when I use sand.
yeah im getting even more out of memory errors then I did before the update. not sure if its related to the core update either tho
Would it be possible for yall to put the sounds on the Reppo GP20s? Thanks!
I lov e this pack really improves a lot of engines and well worth it.
No, as the Reppo GP20 uses a turbo 16-567. This mod is only for 16-567 non turbos.
There's an extra "Diesel" folder in ATSF pack, just a reminder :)
I installed this sound enhancement pack. However I am also having the before mentioned problem when I use the sander on the DTM F3, either with the X key or in cab, when the sim crashes with the following Error:
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception info: OUT OF MEMORY
'Fatal error in mode DRIVE during update within SOUND_MANAGER'
Please advice what might be wrong here.
(Not sure if I hear a big difference in sound either, but then again I don't know what to expect :)
The same crash appears on SD9
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About this mod
- Created
- 9 May 2021
- Updated
- 6 Jul 2024
- Game
- Train Simulator Classic
- Type of content
- Sound
love that sound.