Track Detonators V1.0

Detonators are usually deployed in groups of three, spaced 20 metres apart. When being used on electrified lines detonators must be placed on the rail which is furthest from the conductor rail (third rail). If a train is about to explode a detonator, personnel are required to stand at least 30 metres away from it and turn away. If a train unexpectedly explodes a detonator, the driver is required to stop immediately and investigate.

There are three types of detonator protection in the UK:

Emergency Protection: If a train is involved in an accident or fails and it is not possible to contact the signaller, then emergency protection must be used. Track circuit operating clips (TCOC) must be placed on all affected lines, and three detonators must be placed at a distance of 2 kilometres in the direction from which a train is most likely to approach.

Assistance Protection: If a train fails and communication can be made with the signaller, then assistance protection must be used. The driver of the failed train must place three detonators at a distance of 300 metres from the failed train in the direction from which the assisting train will approach (unless there is a stop signal within 300 metres of the rear of the failed train). The driver will remain at this assistance protection point with a red flag (or lamp in darkness) and await the assisting train.

Possession Protection: Possessions (worksites) on the railway are operated separately from the running lines and train movements inside them are not controlled by the signaller. Instead a PICOP (person in charge of possession) controls movement into and out of the possession in co-ordination with the signaller, and an Engineering Manager is responsible for movements of rail vehicles within the possession. Three detonators and a Stop Board are positioned at the entry and exit to the possession to prevent any unauthorised trains from entering accidentally, and also to clearly define the extent of the possession.

This pack has been designed so that once the detonator has been detonated, it will not detonate again, as per reality. However, due to a core TS limitation, there is no way for the detonator to differentiate between a player train or AI train, meaning that if AI is pathed on the same track in front of the player, it will set off the detonators that were probably meant for the player train. Therefore, you need to be careful to ensure that no AI passes over track with detonators meant for the player before the player train passes over them. Of course, given the above, you can use the detonators for AI which the player may see with the same caveat – no other train can pass over them before the AI you want to have them detonate under passes over them.

Files 1 MB · Added 14 Apr 2024 · Downloaded 112×


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14 Apr 2024
14 Apr 2024
Train Simulator Classic
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