CP LE 4700 'Eurosprinter ES46B1' 4701 (HBK ES64U2 Livery)

This is the CP of Portugal, not the CP of Canada
Comboios de Portugal (CP, literally Trains of Portugal), once known as Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses (Portuguese Railways) until 2004, was the state owned company of the Portugal who operates the passenger service in the country.
In 2004, when CP start using the new branding, they decided to introduce some new tractions together. A plan of purchasing 15 locomotives first with another 10 possible order was set. Multiple companies including Siemens and Bombardier shown their interest and Siemens managed to won the order.
Siemens provided the ES46B1, the first 3rd gen Eurosprinter. First 3 locomotives are built in Munich, Germany since 2007, with the rest 22 built in Entroncamento, Portugal.
LE 4700's design are based on Taurus, with red forming the base livery and CP logo on front and side. The UIC code and the train number are also printed on the side.
LE 4700 looks different from Taurus as they are equipped with newer Siemens Safety Cab which was also adapted by Vectron series.



Hauptstrecke Hamburg - Lübeck (HBK) DLC
Raging Lighting's TSW2 Livery Manager

Installation Instructions

See this Video:

Tags: cp


RF_MRCE_BR182;CP LE 4700 '4701' HBK 182.tsw2liv 144 KB · Added 6 Aug 2022 · Downloaded 299×


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About this mod

6 Aug 2022
6 Aug 2022
Train Sim World
Type of content
Train Sim World compatibility
Train Sim World 2 before Rush Hour update (UE4 4.23), Train Sim World 2: Steam version (UE4 4.26), Train Sim World 2: Epic Games Store version (UE4 4.26)
Train Sim World Content
Hauptstrecke Hamburg - Lübeck
Avatar of KCRCRailway
Historic Collection
by KCRCRailway