GWR Complete Rolling Stock

Drive a Class 800 "IET" on a GWR service from London to Weston-super-Mare, as far as Reading with no stops in between, from which point another driver will take over. There is a delayed train ahead of you in Ealing Broadway.

This scenario is based on the GWR 16 May-11 December 2021 timetable with 14 AI trains, and uses some train reskins from other DLCs to stand in for real life GWR trains not present in the base DLC, the SEHS Class 395 stands in for the Class 800 IET, and the ECW Class 377 stands in for the Class 387 for both GWR and Heathrow Express.

Note that you'll need to press the Aux On button and then Pan Up Shoes Down, otherwise the 395 won't run. Also, the unlock doors task doesn't work properly but if you wait a bit it'll be completed.



Installation Instructions

Download the file and put it in your save games folder:
Documents\My Games\TrainSimWorld2\Saved\SaveGames folder

Launch the game and in the GWE route menu, go to Tools -> Scenario Designer -> GWR Complete RollingStock.

Tags: class-166 class-377 class-387 class-395 class-43 class-800 custom-scenario great-western-express great-western-railway hst iet intercity-125 intercity125 scenario scenario-designer scenarios train-sim-world-2 tsw-scenarios tsw2-scenarios


USD_CBD86D57-4B8F-1B22-5B7A-7DB91BF4C75D.sav 17 KB · Added 7 Jun 2021 · Downloaded 649×


Avatar of Mr TrainGuy
Mr TrainGuy 7 Jun 2021

Thank you for featuring my livery!

Avatar of Ant Craft
Ant Craft 10 Jun 2021

Thanks for featuring my GWR and Heathrow Express liveries! Btw, I plan on porting both of them to the Gatwick Express 387 model when Rush Hour releases, so you can look forward to more accurate train models for them. :)

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About this mod

7 Jun 2021
7 Jun 2021
Train Sim World
Type of content
Train Sim World compatibility
Train Sim World 2 before Rush Hour update (UE4 4.23), Train Sim World 2: Steam version (UE4 4.26)