Avatar of Ant Craft

Thoughts, plans and TSW 3

Hey guys. I know I've taken a bit of a backseat lately for livery creation and I apologise for that. To be honest with you all, I've been lacking the inspiration to create new liveries as of late, which hasn't been helped by the lack of new content recently in TSW. Of course, now we know why that is... Train Sim World 3, but I'll get back to that later. I can't promise any new liveries soon, as creative blocks can and often are unpredictable, but I'm hoping I'll find new inspiration soon, particularly in TSW 3.

Creative block aside however, I did want to share what I hope to do in the future. I want to do some more GBRf liveries first and foremost when I find inspiration again, particularly for the Class 47 and Class 08. I also want to do some First Great Western class 150 livieries, both Plain Blue and Dynamic Lines, but since the latter on the 150 is made up of many place names from the FGW network, that will be quite a large undertaking, so I can't possibly promise when or if it'll come, but it's on the wish list at least. I also want to do some more liveries for the class 37, particularly the very interesting Rail Operations Group livery with the dragon on it. I also want to do some more liveries that are from outside of the UK, 1 of those being the Flixtrain livery for the BR182. And lastly, hopefully at some point, we will see the remainder of the planned Livery Designer compatability updates come to TSW 3. One of these I'm particularly keen for is the Class 43 HST, as I have many, many liveries I want to do for it. And that makes a good segway onto talking about the future...

Train Sim World 3 of course. I think it goes for many of us that it was no surprise when it was announced, given that it was leaked weeks in advance on Railfan TV, and even a few times after that as well from what I've heard. I'm excited for it personally. The improvements it will be bringing to the game and the base routes are all pretty good. I think we would have all personally preferred a new route for the UK, but I'm certainly not complaining about the expansion to Ashford and Dartford on SEHS. But to get back on topic, what does that mean for liveries? Well, the plan is to obviously make them accessable in TSW. Hopefully a new version of livery manager comes out that allows for compatability with Train Sim World 3. If this is the case, then I assume nothing will change with any of my liveries availiable here. At some point, I also want to add weathering to all my old liveries, and hopefully real logos too as and where I can, so the conversion to TSW 3 would appear to be a good time to do this. This also applies to real logos that Dovetail add in game. I'll try and add them to old liveries as and when I can, including ones that already have real logos from the pack, since the less requirements to use a livery, the better if you ask me. I also want to add more of my liveries to Creators Club too in the future, but I can assured that even if I upload liveries to Creators Club, I will still upload them here.

I also just wanted to say that I'm very pleased to have the community posting feature here now, especially since I was the one who suggested it as part of my request for author page improvements back over a year ago now, so just wanted to say thank you to Alex and the site staff for implementing the feature. But yeah, I think this wraps up everything I wanted to say here in my first community update. Hope this helps to bring you all up to date on my currently livery creation status, and what I have planned, especially when it comes to Train Sim World 3.


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