JR/SS SD40-2 FNM #8807

This is a heavily weathered version of Jose Uribe´s FNM repaint he made for the JR/SS Conrail units.

With his allowence i weathered his clean repaint and converted it onto the JR/SS Burlington Northern model.


In order for this repaint to work, you must have the JR/SS SD40-2 Burlington Northern and the Norfolk Southern Bundles!



Installation Instructions

  1. Drag the included "Assets" folder into your main Railwork directory, usually can be found here:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RailWorks

  2. Copy all the ".GeoPcDx" files from the BN "Engine" folder, path:


...and paste the copied files into the FNMW "Engine" folder.

  1. Copy all the ".GeoPcDx" files from the BN "Cabview" folder, path:


...and paste them into the FNMW "Cabview" folder.

  1. Copy the "Scripts" folder from BN, path:


...and paste it into the FNMW folder.

  1. Copy the "key.dat" and the "serial.dat" from the BN folder, path:


...and paste them into the FNMW folder.

  1. Copy the "Child_JRSD40-2_CR_CabSignalBox.GeoPcDx" from the Conrail Engine folder, path:


...and paste it into the FNMW Engine folder.

Now you are ready to run this engine in your game.


FNM_weather_SD40-2.rar 35 MB · Added 8 Nov 2020 · Downloaded 119×


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