This is a series of reskins for the G-TraX Bethgon coal gondola. These models have been available for some time, although reskins have been not been forthcoming.
Included in this download are the following liveries:
Conrail (Modernized)
Norfolk Southern
Additionally, three weathering states are provided for each.
A massive thanks goes to ChillsN'Thrills for assisting with the blueprinting work.
Rick Grout (G-TraX) for the original model file, and for allowing it to be released as a standalone.
Pete Willard and for the excellent Consolidated, NSLOGO, and CARKNOCKER fonts which are used extensively on this model.
ChillsN'Thrills for
Buzz Baxter for graciously providing me with the source model files.

JR FRT Pack 02 | Searchlight Store
Searchlight StoreInstallation Instructions
Drag and drop "Assets" into your RailWorks folder. Overwrite when prompted.
Files 49 MB · Added 2 Mar 2024 · Downloaded 374×Comments
The coal in my cars is showing up as a grey/ballast color, not black. Any idea on how to fix this? The cars themselves are great!
Soma here I did some testing and for some reason the coal texture is being rendered weirdly
I found a fix by changing SPECULARPOWER and CUSTOMPARAM0 from 3 to 0 in the coal geo files
does anyone know where to find the model as i cant find it on gtrax site or railworks america
The original model is from Railworks America. I think it’s only available as a reskin from Buzz though. You shouldn't need to download any files beyond the SS/JR Freight Pack 2; the models in this are standalone otherwise.
thank you Matt, that worked these are really nice too a great addition.
Wait I can't find the model do you think you could give me the link
Finally some prototypically skinned stock for PennCoal.
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Finally a NS coal car besides the JR/SS 100ton hoppers that doesn't look terrible