This pack includes the promotional liveries that were seen on the class 350 Desiros during their time with London Midland. The following liveries are included.
• Project 110 (350110)
• British Transport Police (350235)
• Motion Entertainment Window Decals
Installation Instructions
• Navigate to “RailWorks” directory.
• Copy the “Assets” folder from the download and paste it into “Railworks” directory.
• Make sure class 350 enhancement pack is correctly installed.
• Inside “Assets” folder a file called “Installer_LM350PromLiveries.bat” will be present.
• Right click the batch file and run it as administrator. That will be it.
Additional Comments
Thanks to SlowLine Trainspotting (SLTS) and Belle Frost for testing out the pack.
Pack updated to replace PowerShell installer with batch installer. Those who faced issues with installation earlier please redownload now.
• 23-12-2024: Original Release
• 30-12-2024: Fixed issue with no shoe bin files
• 13-01-2024: Replaced PowerShell installer with batch installer
• 11-02-2024: Fixed minor bug with installer
LM 350 Promotional Livieries v1.2.7z 58 MB · Added 2 hours ago · Downloaded 11×Previously uploaded files have been downloaded 235 times before being withdrawn.
hi it not work no geo did run from powershell please fix properly tks
Did you run the above piece of code Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned and then run the installer again? What is the error you received?
like this i cant find e piece of code Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned never see before install different thx
Seems like a corrupt asset. Try to reinstall the PDL then AP 350 EP then install this pack. Let me know how it goes.
still not work would like batch files, exe or manuel easy for me i dont know how sorry 😂
The Powershell file doesn't seem to work for me either and I ran the Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned beforehand. Additionally, all the symptoms of a corrupt asset are evident on the Motion Entertainment advertisement decals set. I have no currupt 350(450) assets as every other skin, including your other two are fine.
yes same me i have two it fine another two not work
@MoldJunction and @Paul, wait are you saying the Project110 and BTP liveries are working fine? but for Motion Entertainment it is showing corrupt asset?
@Stenkil .... I am, don't know about Paul.
Okay, then the script worked as expected as these 2 liveries require geo modifications. The script does not even bother the ME decals bin files. Could you please resinstall the pack again?
i notice class 350 pickup shoe patch auto installer that message Deline ...... only shoe it mess up i dont know how fix it still miss on quick drive or must to do scenario only ??? not sure
Okay I see the issue the no shoe variant is causing this corrupt asset thing. I will fix this asap.
thx mate let me know
@stenkil I'll reinstall once you confirm a new upload has taken place. Thanks.
install today i had two ok and another no work again BTP only one coach and 3 missing and me 4 car noshoe like same this above photo i see that install deline dont know
I have asked MoldJunction few questions below and since you have the same problem we can follow the below thread.
This reskin is still presenting problems. Exactly the same as Paul says above. No shoe variants glitch. BTP and Project 110 are no shows as consists.
Couple of questions, added imgbb link for reference ss.
Did the installer run successfully? You should see the below CLI with success message as highlighted in yellow.
[]If it was successful, did you try to drive quick drive for testing the consists or used scenario editor to do it? If scenario editor, did you check the following in the object set filter: AP -> C450EP , DTG -> PortsmouthDirect, DTG -> WCML-South.
The batch is not running as you describe. Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned has been run on Admin Powershell and Y selected.
Double click the PS file > get security warning "Do you want to open the file?" Confirm by pressing 'Open' - Window closes.
When the batch runs (Windows 11) there is no window that shows what is shown on the image
All required boxes ticked and now I cannot fine ANY of the variants in this.
Why are you double-clicking the ps1 file? It is mentioned in the ReadMe to "right-click" the ps1 file and select "Run with PowerShell". Doing that should bring up the CLI as in the screenshot.
Apologies, wrong term used by me. I had right clicked and selected Run with PowerShell and it still doesn't seem to execute.
No worries. Can you share your email? I have other methods that I would like to share with you. On my end I cannot replicate the issue.
sorry i was busy ssame as moldjunction problem
@Paul, Im working with MoldJunction, once it is sorted I will push an update.
Hi, message me via Facebook, my profile is:
Done. Pinged you.
it work now perfect installer than powershell everything fine good job for u mate
Yes, although I thanked the dev over Messenger, I want say thanks again here for persevering.
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About this mod
- Created
- 23 Dec 2024
- Updated
- 2 hours ago
- Game
- Train Simulator Classic
- Type of content
- Reskin
Hi, thanks for the reskin, any thoughts on MK3 42353 when it was temporarily repainted back into prototype livery back in 2012?