"𝓕𝓵𝓲𝔁𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓪𝓱𝓱 𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓽"
- H Enjoyer
This mod expands the available selection of Flixtrain locos (which is only one by default, very disappointing) by adding a few unique repaints for the Vectron aswell as adding the much beloved Taurus, which you can drive in timetable mode just like you'd do with the Vectron!
In total, these new variants are avaliable with this mod:
- AC Flixtrain Vectron with white front
- AC Flixtrain Vectron with white front and ELL logos
- AC Flixtrain Vectron with white front and visible parts of Railpool livery (gray, blue)
- MS Flixtrain Vectron with ELL logos
- swedish AC Flixtrain Vectron with visible parts Hectorrail livery (orange)
- Flixtrain Taurus
- Flixtrain Taurus in old livery (orange)
H Enjoyer - mod setup, textures, whatever else
Myron - half the idea, little support, vehicle thumbnails, testing, screenshots
January 25 2025 - Taurus Fixes
- Removed artifacts on the decals
December 14 2024 - Taurus Fixes
- Adjusted colours on both taurus repaints
December 12th 2024 - More Hectorrail Flixtrain Vectron Fixes
- Fixed black border under window, cable connectors are now the correct colour, Flixtrain logo correctly sized
December 9th 2024 - Swedish Hectorrail Flixtron Fixes
- fixed a lot of things on said variant (H Enjoyer told me that, idk what to write here otherwise - Myron)
December 8th 2024 - Initial Release
Known Issues:
- headlight textures of Vectrons may go on on both sides
- Dispolok Taurus has a lot of vanilla issues, please be aware: AFB acts up often enough - PZB mode is set to M on service load, please change to O before turning on PZB (reversed door control is no longer an issue since patch on February 10th 2025)
- variants are not spawnable if their original counterparts are not spawned first (eg. Flixtrain Taurus requires the Dispolok Taurus to be spawned first). this is an addon-manager issue, as usual
Flixtrain Vectron Loco-Addon
Kinzigtalbahn for the MS Vectron variants (using DB Vectron)
Dispolok Taurus Loco-Addon for Taurus variants
It is recommended to use Myron's Taurus Soundmod to enhance the feeling of driving it just for a bit.
Installation Instructions
Drop the .pak into your DLC folder, found under the following path:
...\steamapps\common\Train Sim World X\WindowsNoEditor\TS2Prototype\Content\DLC
Tags: 182 193 br-182 br-193 br182 br193 dispolok es64u2 flixtrain siemens-vectron vectron
Flixtrain_expansion.pak 115 MB · Added 21 days ago · Downloaded 301×Previously uploaded files have been downloaded 977 times before being withdrawn.
Thank you very much!!
Thank you, awesome pack!
Very nice. I was a bit dispointed how the Hctor/ Flix vectron looked, since i see it a few times here in sweden and the loco numbers on the side of the taurus loco are just blacked out or not there. But its a very nice livery pack and thanks for adding the taurus for more gameplay activites on the route.
I tried to convince him the swedish orange Flixtron was not necessary at all but he just seemed to want to include it regardless lmao
Hey! Awesome mod, adds more variation, which I love to see. Just one thing, when I try to spawn the trains in FreeRoam it won't let me, is it just me or a temporary bug?
load the normal flixtrain vectron by spawning it using sandbox mode. This is a standard addon manager issue
*addon managarse
Now works! But with the Vectrons, the only problem is the 182. Otherwise thank you
same goes for the 182, load it first
Thanks :)
Unlike the older version the update crashes my game at startup
That seems like it is not my fault. For me and many others this mod works fine. Maybe take steps to troubleshoot properly.
I'm not saying it's your fault. It is incompatible to another mod. Foobians 182 Mini-fixes...
Those fixes are only for the DB 182. Our mod uses the Dispolok 182 for the Flixtrain Taurus variants. There shouldn't be an issue, as atleast I don't get a crash despite having both mods installed.
But I do get them. And now? Nevermind, I just deinstalled the mini-fixes
Nice mod thanks I have with the Vectrons unfortunately when I operate the PZB no voice output train control
Absolutely stunning work!
wo installiere ich die mod wenn ich über pc gamepass spiele?
bin mir nicht sicher, ob das geht
Frage: ist es Normal das wenn ich die Taurus auswähle die Türfreischaltung ( Öffnung) scheitert ?
Dazu muss man leider die entgegengesetzte Türseite wählen, da denke ich nicht dass das einfach zu fixen ist.
Sollte mittlerweile gehen dank DTG's überraschend großem Update, welches sich auch auf viele Türöffnungsfehler bezieht.
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toller mod! danke :) kannst du bitte mal beim flirt schauen, ich hatte dort eine frage gestellt.wäre nett.
he unfortunately doesn't speak any german, but I can hint him at your comment in a moment.