Modifies the Time of Day system of all German routes to bring the overall lighting visuals in line with what was introduced on the two German routes "Dresden - Riesa" and "Dresden - Chemnitz". This has the effect of making the nights look significantly darker overall and therefore appearing much more natural as opposed to the overly bright visuals on other routes in the game. It also vastly improves the lighting in cloudy and rainy conditions, removing the washed out feeling the routes usually have with this weather setting and making it look a lot more appropriate for a cloudy sky. You may also notice that the sunrises and sunsets have a much more natural transition and the timings now match what you would see in real life a lot more closely.
I have also made sure to lower the bloom intensity setting on the routes in this pack where it was a lot higher than what we are used to on most routes from DTG. This removes the incredibly bright effect everything appears to have in the game with the higher bloom setting which also adds to the more natural feeling of the enviroment.
I'd also like to say a massive thank you to @Aurora Bee/annadess for providing me with her guide on all relevant changes that need to be made and helping me through the process of getting the changes into the game.
A comprehensive list of changes can be found below:
- Changes the Time of Day system on the following German routes to use the DRA/DCZ lighting setup:
- Hamburg - Lübeck
- München - Augsburg
- Hauptstrecke Rhein-Ruhr
- Main-Spessart Bahn
- Rhein-Ruhr Osten
- Ruhr-Sieg Nord
- Schnellfahrtstrecke Köln - Aachen
- Seperate Versions for each route, allowing you to pick and chose which ones you wish to have installed
- Significantly improves the lighting on the route:
- Makes nights appear a lot darker than before
- Removes the "washed out" effect from the enviroment when running with clouds
- Changes the dawn and dusk transitions to feel a lot more convincing
- Reduced bloom intensity on routes that used a higher than normal setting
A version for the Rapid Transit route Add-On made by @Aurora Bee/annadess can be found here.
Installation Instructions
Download the .pak file of your choice and move it into TSW's DLC directory, this is usually located here: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Train Sim World 3\WindowsNoEditor\TS2Prototype\Content\DLC"
Additional Comments
Patch Notes
- February 2023:
- Aran-HBK-Time-of-Day-Update-v1.0.pak - Initial Release
- Aran-HMA-Time-of-Day-Update-v1.0.pak - Initial Release
- Aran-HRR-Time-of-Day-Update-v1.0.pak - Initial Release
- Aran-MSB-Time-of-Day-Update-v1.0.pak - Initial Release
- Aran-RRO-Time-of-Day-Update-v1.0.pak - Initial Release
- Aran-RSN-Time-of-Day-Update-v1.0.pak - Initial Release
- Aran-SKA-Time-of-Day-Update-v1.0.pak - Initial Release
Known Issues
Due to the way routes are set up in TSW, it is possible that not all routes will have identical lighting visuals with this mod. While the same improvements will apply to all routes the mod is installed for, it is possible that you will notice cases where some routes are significantly darker than others. If you wish to not use this mod on any one of your routes, it can simply be removed while all other routes will continue to profit from the improvements made with it.
Tags: germany lighting night-lighting route tod
Aran-HBK-Time-of-Day-Update-v1.0.pak 342 KB · Added 10 Feb 2023 · Downloaded 2,998×Hamburg - Lübeck Version
München - Augsburg Version
Hauptstrecke Rhein-Ruhr Version
Main-Spessart Bahn Version
Rhein-Ruhr Osten Version
Ruhr-Sieg Nord Version
Schnellfahrstrecke Köln - Aachen Version
Thank you for ur amazing work really !!
on Main Spessart i get an immediate crash to desktop ue4 error. im trying to figure out if some other mods are in conflict but for now i have no clue which one.
Thanks, that's nice to hear :)
Not sure why you're getting a crash, it works fine on my end, I'd suggest removing all your mods and trying again, if the crash then resolves itself you can try adding 50% of your mods until you narrowed it down to only one. Hope this helps.
i know the problem now it was APfreightcoremix but version for TSW2 and i have 3.... so with the new version from APfreightcoremix i dont get any crashes on MSB or HBK or any other route
Thanks for your time and effort making this mod. For the older TSW 1 routes I notice that the area has become quite dark. Are there engine.ini tweaks you recommend or something else?
Yeah that is an unfortunate side effect of these mods, and that is also the reason I seperated them out by route. Not currently aware of anything you can do to not have that effect unfortunately. I personally prefer the darker routes over overly bright nights and washed out overcast but if it's something that really bothers you I'd suggest removing the mod on the routes which are affected.
In case you want to try it with my Engine.ini settings though, I use the TSW 3 one from Laika that can be found here:
Just For Correction, each .pak file gives a different effect to the night routes?
The different .paks are for the different routes in the game, and only apply to the route that they are marked as being for on this page and in the file name. All .paks will improve the night visuals in the same basic way, but the way routes have been set up means that there might still be some visual differences. If you don't like what a specific route looks like with the mod, you can just remove that .pak file.
Very nice!
Thanks, glad you like it :)
Thanks a lot !
A Question : works with TSW 4 ?
Funktioniert das auch mit TSW5 ??
An sich ja, kann sein das das Spiel dadurch etwas länger zum starten brauch weil Add-On manager aber sonst müsste alles funktionieren.
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About this mod
- Created
- 10 Feb 2023
- Updated
- 10 Feb 2023
- Game
- Train Sim World
- Type of content
- Patch
- Train Sim World compatibility
- Train Sim World 2: Steam version (UE4 4.26), Train Sim World 2: Epic Games Store version (UE4 4.26), Train Sim World 3, Train Sim World 4, Train Sim World 5
- Train Sim World Content
- Hauptstrecke Hamburg - Lübeck, Hauptstrecke München - Augsburg, Hauptstrecke Rhein-Ruhr: Duisburg - Bochum, Main Spessart Bahn: Aschaffenburg - Gemünden, Rhein-Ruhr Osten: Wuppertal - Hagen, Ruhr-Sieg Nord: Hagen - Finnentrop, Schnellfahrstrecke Köln-Aachen
Amazing work,stunning! Any chance perhaps you or someone else could do this for US routes like SFJ,HSC,SPG..?
Either way thanks for the effort you already did.
Thanks, glad you like it!
I am planning on doing this for all TSW2 routes, and that includes a version for the US, yes. I am missing a few US routes though and those would have to wait until I get them, but the ones I have will be done sooner rather than later.
Great to hear! it adds so much to the German routes,can't wait to see the US ones,which ones are you missing?
I currently don't have HSC, Cane Creek and Harlem
On MSB the mod disables all Sifa or PZB-Sounds in the Cabcar BR 766... bummer
That is very strange, I'll see if I can reproduce that. Are you using TSW3 or TSW4?